Articles & Book chapters
The sufficiency theory of justice and the allocation of health resources
Bioethics, Forthcoming.
Limitarianism, upper limits, and minimal thresholds
Res Publica, Forthcoming.
On the idea of degrees of moral status
The Journal of Value Inquiry, Forthcoming.
Intergenerational Justice and Freedom from Deprivation
Utilitas, 36.2 (2024), 168-183.
Why fly? Prudential value, climate change, and the ethics of long-distance leisure travel
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 26.5 (2023), 689-707. With Willem van der Deijl.
Weighted Sufficientarianisms: Carl Knight on the Excessiveness Objection
Economics & Philosophy, 39.3 (2023), 494-506.
Presumptive Limitarianism: A Reply to Robert Huseby
Having too much: Philosophical essays on limitarianism, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, 203-218. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2023.
* 2024 | Translated in Spanish. “Limitarismo presuntivo: Una respuesta a Robert Huseby.” In Tener Demasiado: Ensayos Filosóficos sobre el Limitarismo, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, 227–244. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
Justice, Thresholds, and the Three Claims of Sufficientarianism
Journal of Political Philosophy, 30.3 (2022), 298-323.
Introduction: Symposium Limitarianism: Extreme Wealth as a Moral Problem.
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 25 (2022), 717–719. Co-authored with Christian Neuhäuser.
Limitarianism: Pattern, Principle, or Presumption?
Journal of Applied Philosophy, 38.5 (2021), 760-773.
* 2023 | Reprinted in Having too much: Philosophical essays on limitarianism, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, 129-150. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
* 2024 | Translated in Spanish. “Limitarismo: ¿Patrón, principio o presunción?” In Tener Demasiado: Ensayos Filosóficos sobre el Limitarismo, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, 147–170. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
Thresholds in Distributive Justice
Utilitas, 33.4 (2021), 422-441.
The Agents of Justice
Philosophy Compass, 16.10 (2021), e12770. With Colin Hickey, Tim Meijers, and Ingrid Robeyns.
Defending the Democratic Argument for Limitarianism. A Reply to Volacu and Dumitru
Philosophia, 47.4 (2019), 1331-1339.
Een Rechtvaardige Klimaattransitie: Effectief, Flexibel, en Democratisch
Podium voor Bio-ethiek: De uitdaging van het Antropoceen, 25.4 (2018), 41-43. With Petra van der Kooij.
Book reviews
Book review of Why Does Inequality Matter, by T.M. Scanlon
Journal of Moral Philosophy, 16.6 (2019), 777-780.
Book review of The Inheritance of Wealth. Justice, Equality, and the Right to Bequeath, by Daniel Halliday
Ethical Perspectives, 25.2 (2018), 347-350.
Thresholds and Limits in Theories of Distributive Justice (thesis summary)
Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 15.1 (2022), 153-156.
Thresholds and Limits in Theories of Distributive Justice. Quaestiones Infinitae, 133 (2021).
* Samenvatting in het Nederlands.
Public philosophy
Under contract | Two books on distributive justice (with De Geus).
Kiezen tussen botsende belangen
Socialisme & Democratie, 3 (2023), 17-23. With Willem van der Deijl.
Je kunt echt té rijk zijn
Groen, 7.1 (2023), 30-31.
Rijkdom en radicale ongelijkheid
Bij Nader Inzien (23-02-2023).
Limitarisme: kan iemand té rijk zijn?
Soφie, 12.6 (2022), 14-19.
We moeten grenzen stellen aan rijkdom
Interview for Young Philosophers (2021).
Can Someone Be Too Rich?
Justice Everywhere (22-03-2021).
Distributive Justice: How Should Resources Be Allocated?
1000-Word Philosophy (2021). With Tim Meijers.
Vliegen: een verbonden wereld uit balans. Interview met Joris Melkert
Bij Nader Inzien (7-12-2020).
Vliegen, verantwoordelijkheid en het goede leven
Bij Nader Inzien (1-9-2020).
Rijkdom als maatschappelijk probleem
Andersland, 2 (2019), 42-55. With Ingrid Robeyns.
Sommige ideeën zijn zo groot dat je ze mist wanneer je erover nadenkt
Bij Nader Inzien (16-1-2019).
Morele verantwoordelijkheden tegenover vluchtelingen. Ethische Annotatie #2
Ethics Institute, Utrecht University (2016). With Jos Philips, Suzanne Jacobi, Samuel Mulkens, and Natascha Rietdijk.
* 2023 | Translation and animation in English: “Moral responsibilities towards refugees.“