Articles & Book chapters
On the idea of degrees of moral status
The Journal of Value Inquiry, Forthcoming.
Res Publica, 30 (2024), 845-863.
The sufficiency theory of justice and the allocation of health resources
Bioethics, 38.9 (2024), 796-802.
Intergenerational Justice and Freedom from Deprivation
Utilitas, 36.2 (2024), 168-183.
Why fly? Prudential value, climate change, and the ethics of long-distance leisure travel
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 26.5 (2023), 689-707. With Willem van der Deijl.
Weighted Sufficientarianisms: Carl Knight on the Excessiveness Objection
Economics & Philosophy, 39.3 (2023), 494-506.
Presumptive Limitarianism: A Reply to Robert Huseby
Having too much: Philosophical essays on limitarianism, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, 203-218. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2023.
* 2024 | Translated in Spanish. “Limitarismo presuntivo: Una respuesta a Robert Huseby.” In Tener Demasiado: Ensayos Filosóficos sobre el Limitarismo, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, 227–244. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
Justice, Thresholds, and the Three Claims of Sufficientarianism
Journal of Political Philosophy, 30.3 (2022), 298-323.
Introduction: Symposium Limitarianism: Extreme Wealth as a Moral Problem.
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 25 (2022), 717–719. Co-authored with Christian Neuhäuser.
Limitarianism: Pattern, Principle, or Presumption?
Journal of Applied Philosophy, 38.5 (2021), 760-773.
* 2023 | Reprinted in Having too much: Philosophical essays on limitarianism, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, 129-150. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
* 2024 | Translated in Spanish. “Limitarismo: ¿Patrón, principio o presunción?” In Tener Demasiado: Ensayos Filosóficos sobre el Limitarismo, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, 147–170. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
Thresholds in Distributive Justice
Utilitas, 33.4 (2021), 422-441.
The Agents of Justice
Philosophy Compass, 16.10 (2021), e12770. With Colin Hickey, Tim Meijers, and Ingrid Robeyns.
Defending the Democratic Argument for Limitarianism. A Reply to Volacu and Dumitru
Philosophia, 47.4 (2019), 1331-1339.
Een Rechtvaardige Klimaattransitie: Effectief, Flexibel, en Democratisch
Podium voor Bio-ethiek: De uitdaging van het Antropoceen, 25.4 (2018), 41-43. With Petra van der Kooij.
Book reviews
Book review of Why Does Inequality Matter, by T.M. Scanlon
Journal of Moral Philosophy, 16.6 (2019), 777-780.
Book review of The Inheritance of Wealth. Justice, Equality, and the Right to Bequeath, by Daniel Halliday
Ethical Perspectives, 25.2 (2018), 347-350.
Thresholds and Limits in Theories of Distributive Justice (thesis summary)
Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 15.1 (2022), 153-156.
Thresholds and Limits in Theories of Distributive Justice. Quaestiones Infinitae, 133 (2021).
* Samenvatting in het Nederlands.
Public philosophy
Spring 2025 | Sommige mensen zijn te rijk. Over wat gelijkheid écht betekent en hoe we dat bereiken.
Trade book, published with De Geus.
Under contract | Book on inheritance taxation (with De Geus).
Kiezen tussen botsende belangen
Socialisme & Democratie, 3 (2023), 17-23. With Willem van der Deijl.
Je kunt echt té rijk zijn
Groen, 7.1 (2023), 30-31.
Rijkdom en radicale ongelijkheid
Bij Nader Inzien (23-02-2023).
Limitarisme: kan iemand té rijk zijn?
Soφie, 12.6 (2022), 14-19.
We moeten grenzen stellen aan rijkdom
Interview for Young Philosophers (2021).
Can Someone Be Too Rich?
Justice Everywhere (22-03-2021).
Distributive Justice: How Should Resources Be Allocated?
1000-Word Philosophy (2021). With Tim Meijers.
Vliegen: een verbonden wereld uit balans. Interview met Joris Melkert
Bij Nader Inzien (7-12-2020).
Vliegen, verantwoordelijkheid en het goede leven
Bij Nader Inzien (1-9-2020).
Rijkdom als maatschappelijk probleem
Andersland, 2 (2019), 42-55. With Ingrid Robeyns.
Sommige ideeën zijn zo groot dat je ze mist wanneer je erover nadenkt
Bij Nader Inzien (16-1-2019).
Morele verantwoordelijkheden tegenover vluchtelingen. Ethische Annotatie #2
Ethics Institute, Utrecht University (2016). With Jos Philips, Suzanne Jacobi, Samuel Mulkens, and Natascha Rietdijk.
* 2023 | Translation and animation in English: “Moral responsibilities towards refugees.“